JUNE 13-17, JUNE 20-24 and JUNE 27-July 1, 2016
Registration is now open for kids, ages 9-15, to enjoy a week of fishing and boating at the Florida Scrub-Jay Trail, 11490 Monte Vista Road in Clermont this summer.
Three one week camps will be offered: June 13 to 17, June 20 to 24, and June 27 to July 1, 2016, from 8:30am-4:30pm. Campers will be given their own rod, reel and tackle box loaded with tackle to use during the week and take home to keep. Once trained, campers will set out onto Flag Lake piloting their own boats for a great fishing experience.
Training will be led by Dean Morris, professional fisherman and Lake County Chapter Vice-President of the Teen Sport Fishing Association. Training includes how to fish, fish biology, catch and release techniques, fish habitats, boating safety and navigation, oaring and trolling motor operation, bait and lure preferences, bag limits, rod and reel assembly, types of knots, casting technique, cast nets, fish cleaning, and water quality testing.
Competitive events will include: Fishing Tournaments, Rowing Competitions, and Casting Contests. At the end of the week, campers will treat their families to a Fish Fry and fishing on the lake.
Tuition for the camp is $225 for the week
($215 if paid by cash or check)
Class size will be limited to assure personalized instruction.
Acceptance will be on a first come – first served basis.
This program is presented by The Florida Scrub-Jay Consortium in partnership with Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Fish Florida and the Florida Youth Conservation Center Network.
To further information, contact Bruce Brown at or call (352)-429-5566
The Florida Scrub-Jay Consortium is a 501(c)(3) not for profit Florida corporation.
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