MARCH 13, 20 AND 27, 2014 11AM-NOON EACH DAY
The Marion Baysinger Memorial Library in Groveland, in partnership with B.B.Brown's Gardens in Clermont, will present Gardens for Lake County, an interactive program that will examine the right plant materials for Lake County Gardens on March 13, 20 and 27th from11am to noon each day.
The program will culminate in the certification of the garden by the National Wildlife Federation.
The program will cover the following:
Thursday, March 13, 2014 11am-Noon
Introduction to gardening in Lake County includes a colorful graphic presentation of bird and butterfly garden plants along with steps needed to begin a Habitat Garden.
Thursday, March 20, 2014 11am-Noon
Site analysis, inventory and designing your garden.
Thursday, March 27, 2014 11am-Noon
Install the Habitat Garden. Participants will learn first hand how to properly plant, water, and care for your new garden.
There is no fee for this workshop, however participation in all 3 workshops dates is required. Handouts will be provided.
To reserve your place by March 12th
or for further information contact B.B.Brown's Gardens at (352)-429-5566 or e-mail at
This program is presented by Cathy Brown and Bruce Brown of B.B.Brown's Gardens.
Bruce and Cathy come from the television industry where producing, directing, writing, management and sales were part of their day to day lives. 18 years ago they decided to embark on a new adventure.
B.B.Brown's Gardens in Clermont, Fl was launched in 1996 as a plant nursery featuring perennials, herbs and Florida natives. One main twist was that their nursery was not using any chemicals, pesticides or herbicides as others were using.
Over the years, it has expanded into a center offering clients garden design and consultation; workshops, National Wildlife Federation Habitat Steward trainings community Giving Gardens, environmental studies, wildlife conservation, and the headquarters for the Florida Scrub-Jay Consortium…whose mission is to save the Florida scrub- jay and its habitat from extinction through preservation, restoration and education.
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