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The Trailhead is located in Lake County, Florida. map

For more information, please contact info@scrubjaytrail.org
(352) 429-5566

sat - wed : 8:00-5:00

Email photo contributions
of wildlife or plants seen
on the trail to this address: photos@scrubjaytrail.org



February 28, 2009 Trailday Newsletter
Greetings from the Trail !

Just a quick reminder about tomorrow's Trailday. The weather's going to be perfect, and we have a special guest presentation.

Laurel Temmen


Identifying and Controlling those pesky Exotic Invasives
Many of you know Laurel Temmen. Laurel is a biologist and has spent her career throughout Florida, the Midwest and western United States undertaking plant and wildlife surveys, native plant restoration and prescribed fire. We'll walk with Laurel as she discusses and identifies exotic plants and control methods on the Trail.

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Upcoming Events

NWF Habitat Stewards Training
Next weekend is the Spring Habitat Stewards Training. Chris Parker has put the volunteer schedule together, and if you have some time to donate, please check with Chris and let her know your availability.

Also, if you or someone you know is interested in attending this training our deadline is nearing so contact   bbbrowns@earthlink.net

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Past Events of February

The Days of Wine and Cheeses
The Wine and Cheese Fund-raiser, February 26, at Cheeser's Palace was a smashing success. Kudos to Trailblazer Lou Anne Rossdeutscher for all of her time and ingenuity she invested in making it such a great event. A lot of money was raised for the Scrub-Jay Aviary and Rehabilitation Center project, and a good time was had by all. Carol Kayser from Cheeser's Palace and Keith Mullins from Bacchus Vino presented a fascinating adventure through the land of Wine and Cheese.

Space Coast Birding Festival

Space Coast Birding Festival
Thanks go out to all the volunteers who generously donated their time to help cover
the Scrub-Jay Trail and Lake County Tourism booth at the festival.
Joyce and Bill Stefancic
Lou Anne and Neal Rossdeutchsher, John Thompton, Paula Sisson, Jen and Kenny Boyd, Debi Dyer and Kathy Pagan
did the drive to Titusville to represent us and all that Lake County has to offer.

Thanks for such a great job!  

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Visitors to the Trail
Sarah Monringstar
Sarah Morningstar

Our Rising Star
Our newest and youngest Trailblazer, Sarah Morningstar, hosted 2 separate Girl Scout Troops on the Trail last week. Sarah conducted the tours for Brownie Troops # 9755 and #4697 pretty much by herself and she did a great job! Feel free to mentor Sarah as you work with her on the Trail. She's a little sponge right now, and retains everything you tell her. Sarah will be a regular Docent on the Trail, and has agreed to author a Docent's manual.

         read the article in the Orlando Sentinel           read the article in the News Leader

Northern Irrigators
Thanks to recent visitors from Pennsylvania and Michigan, the irrigation for all the new trees at the front of the property is now complete. Trail visitors Will Snyder and his sister Andrea Lubetkin visited the Trail and wanted to help out during their vacation in Florida, so we assigned them the task of installing Phase 4 of the irrigation system. They enjoyed having some sun time, after leaving 12 degree weather behind. They also brought most of their family to the Wine and Cheese soiree, and the party continued long after the event.

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Scrub-Jay Nesting Time

We think the resident family on the Trail is about to begin the nesting process. They've been seen carrying twigs around, and they're being very sly about where they're building. We'll keep you posted as "Nest Watch" begins.

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Uncontrolled Burn

The brush fire that burned 1,000 acres in the marsh to the north of the Trail kept its distance and only caused some heavy smoke for a few days. The results of the burn are fantastic! If you drive down CR 561 south through the"S" curves and further, you can now see wide vistas across the marsh where before you could only see the leftover hurricane rubble. We'll soon see the results as new plant materials, that belong there, return. It graphically illustrates why fire,
in the right place and time, is a good thing.

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Spring Cleaning

You can't help but notice what a great job Neal and Lou Anne, Laurel, and Ann have done to get the old place looking good for Spring. If you haven't been here in a while, you'll be amazed. Thanks guys!

We are looking forward to seeing everyone again. As usual, you're invited to embellish the breakfast table with any of your favorite treats. We'll have coffee, tea, juice and quiche.

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